1) Intelligence is the recognition, mutation, and reflection of value-polarized order.
Cognitive AI~WHEEL logoPhysics

Intelligence has to do with recognizing similarities, and more specifically, with recognizing which similar aspects are most important.

This new modular learning machine views input and output action as a cycle of sensor and shaping particles. These particles are arranged in a somewhat atomic format called a definition cluster. Such learning machines, along with their value polarized knowledge clusters, are the "matter" of cognitive space. This cognitive matter methodically and randomly expands in three plus directions toward accomplishing a given task or objective.

The problems of a given target environment are solved by establishing additional entities at randomly designated fix points within the cognitive machinery of the zero entity. Subsequent additional entities may be assigned to search for action and elemental patterns (or any isolable anomaly) that occurs within the new entity's unique sphere of "cognitive matter". In many cases such patterns reflect the inherent order of the zero target environment.

Intelligent Computer Hosted Entities
Cognitive Physics (part 5 of 5) - Overviews and Interviews

An intelligent entity machine may be broken down into four distinct portions; hardware, software, input (sensor particle generation) from the target environment, and output (units of shaping force) to the target environment.

Intelligent force is generated in the software portion (EDP cognitive space) by a number of cooperative processing modules, handling value polarized records. Each of these modules is an evolving decision circuit that optionally self-expands into three directions of "task diffusion."

Each of these three directions of expansion leads to a unique dimension of fixed perspectives ("stationary observers") among the processing machinery in cognitive space. Each observer's perspective yields a new universe that is commonly abundant with patterns and profiles depicting useful order within the original target environment of module xyz 0,0,0, the rudimentary epicenter of the modular task grouping.

Three Directions of Modular Expansion in Cognitive Space

(1) Internal Perspective - A module may be posted to generate intelligent force within a given decision point of another module. Such an implosion expansion creates an observer/shaper to get inside of another observer/shaper machine, and take command of a specific decision point within said machine.

(2) Overview Perspective - A module may be created to observe and shape the machinery and/or artifacts of another module(s). An explosion expansion creates an observer/shaper machine to look down on, and make changes within, another machine, or number of machines, in cognitive space.

(3) Subjective Perspective - A module(s) may be cloned as an imperfect (mutated) version of any other module, intended as a trial replacement for the original(s). Parallel expansion is the perfect or imperfect reproduction of an observer/shaper machine (or an information artifact) in cognitive space.

This third special type of expansion represents a shift in any existing perspective, or given known order.

There are two kinds of parallel expansion.
Perfect parallel expansion is the cloning of an intelligent modular task group to man a newly created observer-shaper post.

Imperfect parallel expansion is the imperfect cloning (reproduction with mutation) of an existing module, this clone intended to be installed in the donors environment as a trial change, or the mutant clone may be posted to any given decision environment.


Intelligence must be considered as both a relative measurement, and a definitive state of being. To address the latter, an entity that generates competence (arguably intelligent force) of any degree, will shape its environment and/or self, with an effective frequency that will inevitably exceed to some degree, the effective frequency of an entity that randomly shapes its environment and/or self.

The former perspective, relative intelligence, presumes a comparison between a multiple of entities. An entity that is more intelligent, will shape its environment/self into a greater valued configuration: perhaps more directly discovering a given more effective response, to a perhaps less familiar fluctuation in the target environment. However, to isolate and measure the pure relative intelligent force of a given unique entity, the following criteria (for each contestant) must be similar, if not identical: the target environment, the entity's ability to shape said target environment, the entity's sensor capabilities within this target environment, the entity's perspective within this target environment, and the value assignment of the entity. It may also be argued that a true measure of intelligence may be determined only if the entities being compared have equal experience within their given common environment.

Two given entities, however, with the same starting configuration and experience, may easily evolve into units of unequal intelligent force; because all three dimensions of modular processing circuit expansion are explored with an element of random direction.

An evolved Simile Flux Reactionary Shaping Machine (or any intelligent entity) records, mutates, and reflects order, interactively shaping itself, and a given environment.

But: What is this order?
Where does order come from?

Order may, or may not, exist within a given environment.

IEOrder causes the occurrence of repetitive, equal, or similar elemental definition clusters and/or action sequences (events or motion), within a given environment.

Such repetitive patterns within a given environment are caused by existing physical laws, and the common inherent appetites (values, objectives) and abilities (sensors and shaping force) of the given entities residing within said environment.

Some environments have more order than others; however, it is difficult to imagine an environment that is completely void of order (IEO). An environment without order would not constitute a functional target environment for the creation and evolution of an entity; there being no repetitious patterns (nor continuity of order) for the entity to discover and reflect.

The elements and action of a given universe have a spectrum of common denominations that produce a predictable and reliable order of patterned continuities.

Event sequences that repetitively occur (patterns) within a given environment, are caused by the common attributes of the elements, actions, entities and/or the physical laws of said environment.

The shared appetites, abilities, and environmental space (with laws) of human beings, for instance, are the common shaping forces that produce useful interchangeable continuity, that may be discovered and recorded, within the definition theories of a given entity.

The relevant parallel continuities, within these element and action patterns (of natural physical and chemical laws and formulas), are useful to entities. The continuities in the action patterns of the entities themselves are also useful.

A. Parallel Continuity Among Entities
Common Entity Attributes Produce Effective Interchangeable Patterns

It is the common denominations of appetites and abilities among active entities, interacting within a common environment, that creates these similar action patterns, and the parallel continuity of said patterns. A pattern (in default) is any element (matter) or action (motion) definition configuration, that occurs with a regularity beyond that of random expectation.

The reliability of a pattern to complete itself is proportionally associated with the number of occurrences of the given pattern. The occurrence of useful patterns is greatly amplified in a contained environment, where the entities being compared are in competition for the same objectives.

B. The Entity Perspective.
Entities: The "Subjective Shapers Of The Universe"
An entity is a unique type of matter cluster, within a given universe, that generates a special kind of force. There is nothing in a given universe that is comparable to this "entity force." If a universe hosted no (contained zero) entities; all matter, everywhere, throughout all of time, would be in a simple elemental and physical chain reaction that would unfold, according to the laws of physics, like a shattering billiard break on a table-top universe, relentlessly following a predictable decaying geometrical course. An environment without an entity becomes (theoretically) 100% predictable. Our entire known universe without entities, would be more complex, but still only in such a chain reaction, adhering perfectly to the laws of physics.

Entities are wrinkles in the predictable order of any environment; they are variable forces, controlled by hidden internal mechanisms, that mutate unilaterally. Behavior patterns are developed from their unique perspective(s) of perception(s), and by their subjective reactions to their own (internal) multiple fluctuating appetites.

C. Predicting "the Wild (subjective) Force of an entity"
In order for an entity to survive and reproduce, said entity must be able to forecast some of the events that will occur within its (perhaps) complex environment. If an environment containing a multiple of entities is to be forecastable (understood) to any degree; this "wild force" (the entity) must be rendered predictable to some degree.

In practice, this wild force is predictable; because of the aforementioned common appetites and abilities of like entity types within a given common environment. Appetites, including the reproduction drive, are the forces that prod the entity; it should surprise no one that; the action of the entity is inundated with patterns reflecting these basic motivational constants.

Common appetites and abilities among entities are the forces that cause and create these parallel behavior continuity patterns. Common basic factors such as these among like entities (in a common environment), influence entity action; this fosters behavior patterns that may be articulated and documented. Recognition of an isolated precursor-segment of action early in a given event sequence (perhaps that of a specific known behavior pattern) might be used as a link; to access parallel continuity and thereby forecast the behavior of a given (radical) unknown entity (of perhaps known entity-type).

It complicates the calculation to deal with a multiple of "wild forces" (entities) within a 3-dimensional environment; with each entity having multiple fluctuating appetites; but pattern continuity is still detectable and useful.

The degree of reliability that is attributed to a given pattern continuity is also predictable, expressible, and recorded as a portion of the definition cluster. This pattern-continuity information cluster is recorded; redundantly, in a spectrum of variable versions, ranging from exclusive specifics; through general inclusive types.

Self-Shaping Machines are the processing agents that will: find these patterns (and pattern portions); define them; record them; compare (select similes) them; predict their continuity, access this continuity; update said continuity; implement updated continuity; and finally assess (and record) the relevance of the given continuity of each individual given selection of IEOrder.

I. Entity Overview

An intelligent computer hosted entity is a machine which shapes its environment and/or self, into a configuration that perpetuates the continuity (or value assignment) of said entity-machine.

The intelligent force which does this shaping, may be overviewed as a 6 Step Cycle. (Without an Expansion Manager, ie This simple entity is limited to parallel expansion only.)

1. SENSES ACTION - The entity senses matter and/or motion in its target environment. (This requires actual physical sensor ability; within the target environment of the entity.)

2. ISOLATES PATTERNS - The entity isolates patterns, within this recorded order. (The default definition of a pattern is: Order that occurs with a frequency beyond that of random expectation.)

3. COMPARES ORDER - The entity (optionally) compares similar patterns, or portions of patterns. (See chapter 2 III. D. for default method of simile selection; and chapter 3 V. for non-default methods.)

4. MUTATES ORDER (randomly and by method) - The entity (optionally) changes the continuity of said similar order; into a configuration that inevitably perpetuates the continuity of said entity and/or assigned values. (Because, only changes that promote survival or defined value, will be maintained.) (See chapter 3 VI. for default and non-default methods of order resection.)

5. SHAPES TARGET ENVIRONMENT - The entity shapes its universe according to said continuity of order. (This requires actual physical shaping ability within the target environment of the entity.) Historical expectations (perhaps resected) associated with this shaping action are compare to subsequent environmental fluctuations.

6. RECORDS ORDER - The entity makes value (or survival) polarized event records of all the matter and motion involved in this fluctuation cycle. (including cognitive matter and motion). (Events are isolated, in default, as the action for the duration of a flux cycle.) RETURN TO STEP 1.

Copyright © by David Albert Harrell